Agenda and Supporting Documentation - 11-17-2014
General Faculty, Washburn University
Issue Date
Agenda, General Faculty , Kansas Studies , Faculty Handbook , Promotion , Tenure , School of Law , General Education Committee , Laboratory Science , Faculty Senate
Alternative Title
Agenda and supporting documentation for 17 November 2014 General Faculty meeting.
Background info - A (#15-01) - 11-17-2014 Creation of course IS 340 Kansas Studies.
Background info - A1 (#15-01) - 11-17-2014 Supporting documentation for creation of course IS 340 Kansas Studies.
Background info - Bi (#14-04) - 11-17-2014 Extension to the probationary period of a tenure-track faculty member.
Background info - Bii (#14-05) - 11-17-2014 Faculty Handbook – VPAA action in the event of a negative tenure/promotion decision.
Background info - Biii (#14-06) - 11-17-2014 Faculty Handbook - Promotion and Tenure Committee members.
Background info - Biv (#14-07) - 11-17-2014 Faculty Handbook Change – Definitions of Academic Appointments excluding School of Law.
Background info - Bv (#14-24) - 11-17-2014 Definitions of Academic appointments for the School of Law. Vote postponed until 01-29-2015 meeting.
Background info - Bvi (#14-26) - 11-17-2014 Faculty Handbook Change – General Education Committee Change.
Background info - Bvii (#15-02) - 11-17-2014 Program Deletion – AS in Laboratory Science to be replaced by AA in Laboratory Science.
Background info - Bvii1 (#15-02) - 11-17-2014 Supporting Documentation for Program Deletion – AS in Laboratory Science to be replaced by AA in Laboratory Science.
Background info - Bviii (#15-03) - 11-17-2014 New program - Associate of Arts Degree in Laboratory Science (replacing the current AS program).
Background info - Bviii1 (#15-03) - 11-17-2014 Supporting documentation for New program - Associate of Arts Degree in Laboratory Science (replacing the current AS program).
Background info - Bix (#15-06) - 11-17-2014 Faculty Senate Constitutional Amendment #3 – Rounding #’s for Unit Representation to clarify II. Eligibility and Membership, B. of the Constitution.
Background info - A1 (#15-01) - 11-17-2014 Supporting documentation for creation of course IS 340 Kansas Studies.
Background info - Bi (#14-04) - 11-17-2014 Extension to the probationary period of a tenure-track faculty member.
Background info - Bii (#14-05) - 11-17-2014 Faculty Handbook – VPAA action in the event of a negative tenure/promotion decision.
Background info - Biii (#14-06) - 11-17-2014 Faculty Handbook - Promotion and Tenure Committee members.
Background info - Biv (#14-07) - 11-17-2014 Faculty Handbook Change – Definitions of Academic Appointments excluding School of Law.
Background info - Bv (#14-24) - 11-17-2014 Definitions of Academic appointments for the School of Law. Vote postponed until 01-29-2015 meeting.
Background info - Bvi (#14-26) - 11-17-2014 Faculty Handbook Change – General Education Committee Change.
Background info - Bvii (#15-02) - 11-17-2014 Program Deletion – AS in Laboratory Science to be replaced by AA in Laboratory Science.
Background info - Bvii1 (#15-02) - 11-17-2014 Supporting Documentation for Program Deletion – AS in Laboratory Science to be replaced by AA in Laboratory Science.
Background info - Bviii (#15-03) - 11-17-2014 New program - Associate of Arts Degree in Laboratory Science (replacing the current AS program).
Background info - Bviii1 (#15-03) - 11-17-2014 Supporting documentation for New program - Associate of Arts Degree in Laboratory Science (replacing the current AS program).
Background info - Bix (#15-06) - 11-17-2014 Faculty Senate Constitutional Amendment #3 – Rounding #’s for Unit Representation to clarify II. Eligibility and Membership, B. of the Constitution.
Washburn University