Promoting breastfeeding in adolescent mothers
Mathews, Rebecca Lynn
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Breastfeeding, Teen mothers
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The purpose of this study is to attain knowledge about the attitudes, beliefs, and opinions about breastfeeding of adolescent mothers and to provide education on the benefits of breastfeeding to the baby and mother. Adolescenht mothers are below the Healthy People 2010 guidelines for breastfeeding initiation, duration, and exclusivity. Research has shown that increased exposure to breastfeeding education and information is linked to an increased likelihood of breastfeeding.
+ A Qualitative Research Study Presented by: Rebecca Mathews WUSN Encouraging Breastfeeding in Adolescent Mothers + Problem Breastfeeding is recommended by the American Academy of Pediatrics exclusively throughout the first six months of life, and continued breastfeeding through the first year of life. Adolescent breastfeeding is below the Healthy People 2010 targets for breastfeeding at initiation, six months, and twelve months. + Benefits of Breastfeeding Immunologic Advantages Fewer illnesses Nutritional Advantages Increased absorption Psychosocial Advantages Mother-infant attachment Faster Recovery Breastfeeding causes uterus to contract Convenience Economical Nighttime feedings Perfect temperature Environmentally sound Health Advantages For Baby For Mother + Purpose of the Study To provide breastfeeding information, teaching, encouragement, and support to teen mothers. To gain information on adolescents attitudes and opinions about breastfeeding. Project Goal: To increase adolescent breastfeeding initiation and duration. + Conceptual Framework Nursing Theorist Martha Rogers’ conceptual framework, Science of Unitary Human Beings was used to guide the research study. The client’s environment, beliefs, values, and family support must be taken into consideration in order to provide holistic care. Martha Rogers + Methods In this qualitative study data was collected through survey Teens 13-19 years of age were invited to participate Sample Size: 6 participants (4 premiparae and 2 post partum mothers) Participants were recruited from Childbirth Education Classes and Family Planning Classes Informed consent was attained from participants + Survey Questions What are your thoughts about breastfeeding? Is there anything about breastfeeding that you are afraid of or that bothers you? In your opinion, what are the benefits of breastfeeding? What are the attitudes of your family, friends, and significant other on breastfeeding? Do you think that you would be able to continue breastfeeding on your return to school or work, and how? How long should a baby be breastfed? What types of help with breastfeeding would be useful for you? + Implementation The project was implemented at a local high school Family Planning Class and at a local Childbirth Education Class Approval from the participating high school and hospital education center was granted. After attaining Informed Consent the survey was completed. The presentation on the benefits of breastfeeding was given. The participants were then able to voice their own ideas and opinions and were able to ask questions. + Data Analysis Data from surveys was individually and comparatively analyzed. Surveys were in the form of short answer questions. Ample space was given after each question. Participants were given as much time as needed to complete the survey. + Results All adolescents participating in the study expressed positive feelings towards breastfeeding. All pregnant teen mothers were planning on breastfeeding their babies. Both post-partum teen mothers stated they wished they had breastfed their babies longer. All pregnant adolescents cited their families as a primary influence to breastfeed. + Results Teens’ responses when asked about support systems “I have always planned on breastfeeding. My mother is a strong supporter of breastfeeding and she is and will continue encouraging me.” “They all think it’s a good idea for the baby and I.” “Positive and happy about my decision.” “They love it!” + Results Few teens cited any fears or aversions towards breastfeeding. The main fears of participating adolescents were: Having complications Not producing enough milk Teens’ responses when asked about aversions towards breastfeeding. + Results “Breastfeeding saves money, it burns more calories, it gives the baby more nutrients that can’t be put in formula, and the baby gets sick less often.” “A healthy baby, quicker way to loose the weight, and cheaper so what’s not to like?” “Healthier babies and for women it’s a bonding moment.” “Breastfeeding is very good for babies. I think every mother should at least try it when the baby is first born.” Teens’ responses when asked about the benefits of breastfeeding + Results “Yes, I am planning on pumping extra milk and freezing it so that wherever my baby is staying she will be fed my milk.” “Pre-pump!” “I would just pump any time I wasn’t with my baby.” “School and work are two reasons that I stopped breastfeeding early. I didn’t like to use the pump.” Teens’ responses on breastfeeding after return to school or work + Results Teens’ responses: How long should a baby be breastfed? “At least 2 weeks.” “At least 5 months.” “6 months to a year.” “1 – 2 years.” “As long as the baby wants, there is no time limit.” + Results “If during school my teachers would allow me at least 15 minutes 3 times a day to pump.” “Help with getting my baby latched on.” “A free breastfeeding clinic.” Teens’ responses when asked what breastfeeding help would be useful + Conclusions Family attitudes and opinions about breastfeeding have an immense influence over weather teens plan to breastfeed. Most teens who had supportive family members were more likely to plan on breastfeeding. Although teens knew that breastfeeding is healthier for babies most did not know why. + Conclusions Most teens did not know the recommendations for duration and exclusivity of breastfeeding. Repeated exposure to breastfeeding information and education during pregnancy increases the likelihood of adolescent breastfeeding initiation. + Implications for Nursing Practice Provide education and information to pregnant adolescents on the benefits of breastfeeding and on the mechanics of breastfeeding post-partum. Knowledge of the primary reasons adolescents discontinue breastfeeding prematurely. In order to plan and problem solve. Helping the pregnant adolescent identify a support person who will encourage breastfeeding. Encouraging Breastfeeding in Adolescent Mothers