Wind Power: It's the Right Thing to Do

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Miller, Chris
Siehndel, Ray D.
Washburn University. School of Business
Kaw Valley Bank
Issue Date
November 2003
Alternative Title
This paper examines a number of considerations, problems, solutions and costs associated with wind power. The legal, social and environmental positives outweigh the negatives that result in the conclusion of "why would anyone not consider using wind power". Global environmental benefits as well as individual benefits could result in favorable government assistance. Wind power is a clean, non-polluting, sustainable electrical power source for use by homeowners, business, and utility companies. The current all-inclusive price for wind power is higher than today's environmentally subsidized price for U.S. fossil fuel electricity. There are many valid reasons for household and business wind power conversion, e.g., decreasing pollution, self-sufficiency, and avoidance of future utility rate hikes. However, additional economic parity between wind power and fossil fuel sources is needed to increase wind power generation in the U.S. Federal tax credits for wind power and other nonpolluting renewable alternative energy sources would help. Increases in wind power generation assist the U.S. and the world in fighting pollution and global warming. Unfortunately, until Americans are forces to adopt or given economic incentives to adopt better electrical generation methods, a majority of citizens will not convert to less polluting methods.