2010 Apeiron Program Cover
Washburn University
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Cover art of the 2010 Apeiron program.
Special thanks go to the College of Arts and Sciences, Vice President of Student Life, Mabee Library, University Relations, School of Business, School of Nursing, School of Applied Studies, and Washburn Endowment Association for their support of student academic and creative excellence through Apeiron. TM Apeiron 2010 Showcase research, knowledge, and creativity Knowledge Knows No Friday, April 23 The Apeiron is an ancient term offered by Anaximander of Miletus in the 6th century B.C. that embraces the spirit of this forum. As with the Apeiron, which is infinite and boundless, all inclusive, eternal, and unaging, this forum is designed to be inclusive with respect to student research, scholarship, and creativity. It is dedicated to the proposition that students are capable of work that knows no limits and transcends all boundaries. Each student participant in the Washburn University Apeiron has worked on his or her project under the supervision of a faculty mentor. The projects, which have been reviewed by the faculty, demonstrate creativity, originality, and a level of work superior to that normally expected of students. Today’s presenters exemplify the spirit of the Apeiron. Original cover art created by Washburn University student Erika Lucero. Ms. Lucero is pursuing a major in Mass Media. Cover design by Lynda Carter, Washburn University graphics designer.