Resistance to ERP: Deep Structure Analysis of ERP-Based Job Roles and ERP Task Interdependence
Freeze, Ronald D.
Schmidt, Pamela J.
Issue Date
Working paper
Enterprise resource planning , ISresistance , Job roles , Funcationality
Alternative Title
Resistance to IS interferes with effective use of an integrated collaborative ERP system, especially for new hires. Research into IS Resistance investigates ways to mitigate barriers to effectively utilizing ERP investments. This experiment uses a rich conceptualization of usage (defining usage by three dimensions of system, task and user) to investigate antecedents to IS Resistance in the ERP context and introduces the construct of ERP Interdependence. Conceptually, teams using an ERP system enact a Transactive Memory System (TMS) wherein an individual may elect to obtain information from the ERP or team members. Analysis of a three-way interaction (ERP dependence, task interdependence on team members, and technical complexity) indicates that resistance to ERP can be mitigated by carefully selecting early job roles and specific tasks. This study identifies the need for more granular research into initial ERP job roles and types of ERP functionality in early use. Findings emphasize to researchers the value of employing detailed conceptualizations of systems usage. Practitioner managers will benefit from the findings of using resistance as a pro-active diagnostic and emphasizing the importance of initial ERP job assignments.
Washburn University. School of Business